MIF Enhancements in Visual Thought for FrameMaker 5


An enhancement to Visual Thought's MIF (FrameMaker Interchange Format) generation capabilities now allows you to import by reference into FrameMaker 5.

Supported customers can obtain the plug-in translators that export the new MIF for FrameMaker 5 free of charge by sending email to info@confluent.com.


Previously, MIF files generated by Visual Thought could only be imported in the copy into document mode because no anchored frame and no default text flow were defined.

Now, a default anchored frame and default text flow are defined, enabling import by reference. The characteristics of the anchored frame and text flow are completely configurable.

Importing by reference is useful because it makes the link between Visual Thought and FrameMaker closer; you need only re-export MIF from Visual Thought and refresh the FrameMaker window to update an image. Having to copy MIF into FrameMaker makes it more difficult to update; you need to copy the MIF back in each time you want to update.

How to Export MIF from Visual Thought

To export the old or new MIF formats, choose one of the following File Types from the Export dialog after choosing the File->Export... menu item:

The old MIF format is still useful in certain cases. In particular, FrameMaker 4 cannot import MIF in the new format. Here is a summary of the differences between the two export formats.

Old Format

New Format

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